Tuesday, February 21, 2012

UV 328/10,000 Isaiah 65 v 23 65:23 “ They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.” The seed, the labour and the harvest This promise to the children of God is amazing in its implications. Our labour shall not be in vain. We will enjoy the work of our hands as well as the fruit of our labour. Our children will not be brought forth for trouble in our lives but they too will be blessed as they are the seed of the blessed. The blessing will also pass down to their generation or offspring. It is a spiritual inheritance that we pass on from generation to generation as we walk in the fear, faith and love of the Lord and teach our children likewise to so live. Our children will be recognized by unbelievers as blessed of the Lord. For if we are Christ’s, then we are children of Abraham, children by faith in the promise of God to Abraham. The Lord will multiply His children in multiple ways and multiple times. He will bless our land, the fruit of the land, the cattle, the basket and storehouse. He will bless and protect our journeys to and fro. He will disperse our enemies and scatter them in the imagination of their hearts. Recently, the Lord said , “ I am sending you the blessings of the latter rain.” The latter rain is useful to ripen the crop for harvest. Yes, He will send a rain of blessings in due season. The seed belongs to us. The labour is ours in which our strength is spent. But , the harvest belongs to Him for He is the Lord of the harvest. He determines which seed shall grow, which shall remain fruitless and which fruitful, which thrive and which perish. In that margin of difference, He proves He is truly the Lord. He will establish us as a holy people, a royal priesthood, a people dedicated to Him. He will bless and protect our reputations and enlarge our names. Once, the Holy Spirit revealed, “He who has fear of God, what He has will be blessed and multiplied. He who does not have fear of God, even what He has will be taken away.” He will according to His sovereign will make some of us For all their love of philanthropy, the riches that people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have will one day be taken away. This is the lesson of history of empire builders in all spheres of life. They will build and someone else will live in it. They will plant and someone else will reap. Their labour will ultimately be in vain without the blessing of the Lord upon their lives and the work of their hands. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RjLEcomNcY Prateep V Philip

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