Sunday, March 11, 2012

Rejoice for life is an eternal Banquet 347/10,000 Song of Solomon 2 v 4 Rejoice for Life is an Eternal Banquet Son 2:4 “ He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.” Our personal relationship with the Lord is compared to a continual feast. He will sup with us and we will sup with Him. It implies that the Lord will dwell in us, dwell with us in our homes and take us to be with him at the Heavenly Feast. At all times, His banner of protection and of love is over us as an ensign to the enemy that we belong to the Lord. The image that is drawn is that of a bridegroom who is none other than the Lord who brings home His bride, the church or every believer. He will preserve us from every evil. He will provide whatever we need. He has glorious plans for each of us. He will fulfill it. The Lord continually feeds us in the course of our relationship and our walk with Him. He feeds us with His truths that bless us, heal us and free us. Our soul is satisfied with such substance more than our body can be satisfied with marrow and fatness of meat. A sense of joy and gladness should always well up in us and overflow in our thoughts, words and actions. The banquet is called to celebrate Christ’s victory over death and sin and its consequences. Our mood hereafter should be celebratory. True optimism comes when we realize that we are in the banqueting house of the Lord. Nothing can go wrong. He who could turn water into wine, who could calm the storm, heal the blind and the lepers, bring the dead back to life, gave Himself to die to pay for our shortcomings and then took back life to help us conquer death and enjoy His resurrection power is the One whose love and grace is sufficient for us. The words, “ brought me” shows that it has already happened, not something that will happen in the distant future. The words, “ His banner over me is love” shows that His love is a present reality. His love is selfless, not conceited, not proud. His love does not hold a record of wrongs and is not puffed up. His love never fails. It endures and is not fickle. His love rejoices in the truth. Our attitude, too should be to rejoice in the truth of His Word. His love is perfect. Like the Shulamite beloved in the Song of Solomon, we too should focus on pleasing Him and doing His expressed will. Then, when He comes to take us on high to His Father’s home for the eternal banquet, He will not find our lamps are unpolished and empty of the oil of gladness and wisdom. Prateep V Philip

1 comment:

  1. Dear Prateep
    Your SIIM has turned into a SONG and hope you like it!
    I believe God is using the synergy of our gifting, to nurture the
    'emerging church' as 'Enlightened 21st century Christians' are now
    known in the US...
    We are actually serving the Spiritually Operative New Generation (SONG)!
    This aspect reinforces our looming US tour!
    By the way, I have dumped Prithivi for the Live version of 'GIA' and
    the tour also; since I have found a talented Christian girl who is
    also a Berkley grad in music and quite enthusiastic about this
    project; and she has her own band and choir!
    So a meeting seems imperative with all those involved in this 'Gospel
    Grammy Snagging US Tour Project'...aka TTT (The 'TRYST Tour' ) to meet
    and draft our plan of action....shall keep you posted.
    PTL & best wishes

    The Banquet House of love

    Beautiful and Brilliant
    Majestic and Marvelous
    Is our banqueting house
    Where gladness overflows
    And joy of God dwells
    Where the banner on high is love

    The power of Selfless love
    The greatest reality of this age
    Not conceited, not proud.
    Not holding a record of wrongs
    And never puffed up
    Never failing

    Always enduring
    Not fickle and confused
    Always rejoicing in the truth
    In justice and righteousness
    Sharing love, radiating love
    Spreading overcoming love

    Serving the cause of love
    Emancipating all those living
    In the darkness of ignorance
    Imprisoned by the self
    Blinded by the world
    In thoughts, words and actions

    Deliverance cometh
    To people and planet
    With the rule of love
    Ushering peace and holistic prosperity
    With the grace of God that is always with
    Those feasting in the Banquet housel of love

    Prateep - Yaseva @ Acme Music
