Monday, March 19, 2012

We are Impossibility Thinkers and Doers

UV 355/10,000 Job 42 v 2 We are Impossibility Thinkers and Doers Job 42:2 I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee. As Mark Pothier wrote, “ Faith is not believing the He can, it’s knowing that He will!” Nothing is impossible for God. No plan of His can be thwarted. No thought or intention can be hidden from Him. His will is supreme and sovereign. Nothing is too difficult for Him. Further, not only is nothing too hard for Him, nothing is impossible for Him. It took Job a series of hard knocks before he learnt and understood these lesson. With God inside us and with us, nothing is impossible for us. We are not only to be “ impossibility thinkers” or impossibility dreamers but impossibility doers. We need to keep attempting the impossible, the kind of things that we just cannot do on our own strength. The Lord will make it possible. The process of achieving the impossible can be broken into some steps or stages: Pre-cognition- this is the first phase where we dream, imagine, envision and set goals that are beyond our natural abilities. Meta-cognition-the phase where we labour in prayer and ask the Lord to bless our plans. Cognition- this is the phase where we consciously work towards implementing our plan and crossing the milestones set. God is our partner in our plans. Hence, nothing can thwart our plans. Re-cognition- where we re-work or revise our plans or make mid-stream corrections in the light of new learning or experience. Recognition is the final stage where the goals are achieved and we give God the glory. From start to finish and beyond, the Lord is involved in our plans. The margin of success lies with Him- He decides which plan will succeed and which will fail. As scripture says, “ We can make our horses and chariots ready for battle but it is the Lord who gives the victory.” The horses are our goals and passions that drive us. The chariots and the tracks they run on are the plans we make and implement. The battles are the struggles and challenges we confront. Prateep V Philip

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