Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Greatness is what greatness does

UV 466/10,000 I Samuel 12 v 16 Greatness is what greatness does 1Sa 12:16 Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the LORD will do before your eyes. A great king or great person does great things. The Lord is the Great I Am. He does great things that we can perceive with our eyes. He has done it in the past, does it in the present and will do it in the future. It is a sign and evidence that He is with us. We only need to stand and witness the miracle He is going to do in our lives. The Bible is the history book Part I that records the acts of greatness of the Lord till the coming of Jesus. Part II continues with the recorded and unrecorded testimonies of His faithful people and His great acts in our own lives till this day. There are two kinds of great acts the Lord does: one that magnifies His Name before His entire people, the church or the commonwealth of Israel and the other that He does in our individual and personal lives to strengthen our faith and glorify His Name in and through our lives. In ancient Egypt at the height of its power, the Lord did such great acts so that the people feared the Lord and believed His servant Moses. To this day, He continues to do acts of greatness so that people fear Him and believe His servants. He does it not to flaunt His power but to produce faith in otherwise fickle people with short memories. To “ stand” means to wait with patient and faithful expectation for the Lord to act. After He has acted, we must keep recounting it in our minds and hearts to the praise of God’s greatness. We only need to stand for Him and to be still before Him and He will perform the miraculous. When a Canadian police officer explained to me how his tactics and training helped him disarm an armed offender holed up in a room, I told him I was in a situation where no amount of training or tactics could have saved the day or my life except the hand of the Lord. The acts of greatness of the Lord are visible and tangible, memorable and glorious. When He acts, we cannot erase what He does from our memories or our consciousness. Today, I am able to be thankful and glorify Him continuously every moment for saving my life in the world’s first Human Bomb assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. This act of greatness on the part of the Lord bears repetition a million times. Prateep V Philip

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