Monday, September 3, 2012

Follow Christ and Ultimate Happiness will Follow Us

UV 509/10,000 Psalms 23 v 6 Follow Christ and Happiness will follow us Psa 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. In normal life in today’s world, we chase happiness and leave God behind us. Happiness will elude us and recede further and further into the distance. Off and on, we might even find happiness in some of the things we do or find or accomplish. But, when we follow God by dwelling in and on His Son Jesus and His Word, goodness and mercy shall follow us. Even the things or material good that we seek in this world will be added to us. Goodness of God and His mercy will escort us to our divine destination- the house that the Lord has prepared for us in eternity. It will follow us not inconsistently but all the days of our lives. When we seek and pursue God and the things of God or the kingdom of God, the Lord will deliver us from every evil and preserve us for His heavenly kingdom. When we chase happiness, success and prosperity, it is not goodness and mercy but sin, evil and misfortune that follow us. He will guide us with His good counsel and afterwards receive us to glory. The word with which this uni-verse begins “ surely” underlines the certainty of this promise. The house of the Lord is visited not by trials and tribulations as in this life and world but a river of pleasures and in it is situated a fountain of joy. These pleasures and joy are not fleeting or transient as in this world but are eternal pleasures. When we spend our time chasing money or the pleasures it can buy, we pierce ourselves with many sorrows. Evil and our own sin and its consequences catches up with us and overtakes our lives. Prateep V Philip

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