Sunday, January 27, 2013

Driving the Vultures Away

UV 648/10,000 DRIVING VULTURES AWAY “Then birds of prey came down on the carcasses, but Abram drove them away.” Genesis 15 v 11 The Lord God directed Abram to bring Him dead animals – a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old along with a dove and a young pigeon. The heifer, the goat and the ram symbolized the strength, fertility, prosperity and blessings that the Lord was going to pour into Abram’s life. The dove and the pigeon symbolized gentleness, purity and innocence. Through these sacrifices, the covenant was about to be sealed between Abram as well as his descendants and the Lord Himself. The relationship between Abram and Jehovah, the covenant or sacred agreement between them were sealed or authenticated with the blood of animals. Abram, the childless or heirless became transformed into Abraham, the father of many nations. But, in the new covenant and relationship between the Lord and us, it is the blood of the Lamb Jesus that seals us. Our lives too would be transformed and we would be a blessing to many nations. To illustrate, this uni-verse is read by people I do not know. People in many nations are blessed in reading and meditating on it. As Abram prepared the animals and birds to be laid out as a sacrifice to the Lord, birds of prey or vultures descended on the carcasses. Similarly, as we prepare for sacrifices to the Lord, certain birds of prey or vultures will be sent by the enemy to disturb our act of worship and thanksgiving. These vultures will attempt to feast on the dead parts of our lives. They do not attack the living but only feast on the dead carcasses. Hence, as we feed on the living Word, all parts of our lives should be spiritually alive and covered with the sanctifying blood of the Lamb. Abram was vigilant and hence he could drive away the vultures. Similarly, we must be sensitive and vigilant to notice the birds of prey descending on our lives and drive these away. At the end of the sacrifice, Abram received a dream or vision of the future. He received the promise that would be true not only for his lifetime but for future generations. A smoking firepot with a blazing torch passed between the two halves that he had cut of the animals. This was a symbol that the Lord had accepted the sacrifice and sealed it for all time to come. Today, it symbolizes the move of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Similarly, when we drive away the vultures that prey upon our faith, our worship and sacrifices, our fruitfulness or our peace and joy, we will receive a promise and a vision. The promise is the seed of the vision. The promise will be fulfilled in our lifetime and the vision will unfold over many lifetimes. Prateep V Philip

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