Friday, May 3, 2013


UV 742/10,000 Focus One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. Psalm 27 v 4 A single-minded focus on the Lord is the mark of dedication and devotion. The Lord rewards such focus and devotion with a glimpse of His awesome beauty. David prayed to the Lord that he would be given the grace of single-mindedness to seek the Lord, to know the Lord, to live with the Lord, to experience the beauty of the Lord and to enquire about the Lord’s will for his life. The entrancing beauty of the Lord captivates our spirits and minds. It is not a beauty that captivates our physical eyes or senses. It is synonymous with the glory of the Lord. The word “glory” implies a combination of power, majesty, grace, holiness, love, truth and mercy. It is His pervasive influence. When we enter the presence of the Lord we get a sense of His beauty or glory. Moses saw the glory of the Lord on Mount Sinai. The prophet Isaiah perceived the glory of the Lord. Isaiah saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, the train of His robe filled the temple. He was surrounded by seraphs who were continually worshipping Him, calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory.” The aspects of God’s beauty that is emphasized in this prophetic vision are : holiness or perfection or righteousness, might or power or authority and fullness, wholeness or completeness. David experienced the glory of the Lord. David despite his peccadillos and human weaknesses sought the Lord with all his heart. He was passionate about experiencing the beauty of God. While most people seek God only when they face a crisis, David sought to dwell with the Lord all the days of his life. Dwelling in the house of the Lord all our days implies that we invite God to make His house in us or to reside in our hearts. His glory or beauty fills all aspects or all rooms and domains of our lives. The Lord never takes a vacation. Recently, when we as a family took a short break in the heat of summer, the Lord chided us for taking a spiritual vacation too in that some of us did not continue in prayer and remembrance of His presence. When the Lord dwells in us, our bodies, minds and spirits become the veritable temple of God. The fullness of His holiness, power, grace, beauty, perfection consummates us or completes us. We are in constant awe and reverence of His presence in us. When we pray, praise and worship we are becoming thickly ‘clothed’ with His beauty and glory. The Kingdom or glory of God is within us and amongst us. We need not go on pilgrimage anywhere or meet anyone to experience holiness. When we pray, we are making an inward journey to the temple within us. When we are in doubt or when we need to take a decision on the existential dilemmas facing us every day of our lives, we enquire of the Lord in this temple-our being. When we so enquire, He will reveal or make manifest His glory in the course of our days. What was once a mystery will become in due time history. Prateep V Philip

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