Saturday, August 3, 2013

UV 828 /10,000 Isaiah 6 v 2 Emulate the Seraphs Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. Isaiah 6 v 2 The seraphim surrounding the throne of the Lord in Isaiah’s vision covered their faces and their eyes with two wings. We need to cover our faces so that we do not look at the world and be entranced by the world. The seraphim covered their eyes with two wings, covered their feet with two wings and with two they flew. We too need to cover our eyes with the two wings of prayer and the Word, cover our feet or the places we go with the two wings of prayer and the Word and also fly with the two wings of prayer and the Word. It means that our perceptions and our perspectives be through the prisms of prayer and the Word. We ought not to look at the world through the prisms of the world. When we look through the prisms of the Word at the world, the white light of God will shine through us, what we do and whatever happens to us and break into the glorious colours of the rainbow. Our eyes which Jesus called the windows to the soul will be protected from evil. Evil will be filtered away. Our thoughts, perceptions as well as imagination will be pleasing to the Lord. When our feet are covered with prayer and the Word that acts as a beaconlight or directional lamp to tell us in which direction we need to move each moment and situation of our lives, we will be able to run and not get tired. Our source of motivation, strength and guidance is the Lord God Himself. When we fly with the two wings of prayer and the Word, we will be able to rise on wings like a mountain eagle. We will reach heights in every domain of existence that cannot be attained by human effort, reason and ability. Yet after attaining those heights, we will not be proud but we will cover our faces in humility and give all glory to God, saying, “ Great, great, great is the Lord God of Heaven and of Earth.”. Prateep V Philip

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