Friday, September 6, 2013

Children of Promise

UV 852/10,000 Children of Promise And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; Genesis 9 v 9 The other day the Lord brought a thick dark cloud in the sky to the East of our home, The Tabernacle. There was a beautiful sight above the cloud of all the magnificent colours of the rainbow. The splendour of the colours was awesome. It was like a banner or flag that was unfurling. The cloud had lightning passing through it both horizontally and vertically. I immediately realized that it was yet another sighting of the VIBGYOR sign that the Lord had promised and already shown as many as five different types of rainbows or rainbow clouds. I called my daughter to take a couple of photographs before the sign disappeared in the evening sky. The visual sign was then confirmed with this promise verse from Genesis:” And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:” The rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant promise to not just mankind but all flesh. It is a colourful testimony of His commitment to all of His creation. It is His love banner of protection over us and our families. The Lord says, “ I am your well wisher. I will not let any of you perish.” These are the times worse than that of Noah when people have lost their sense of what is right and wrong, when judges take bribes, the prophets prophesy for gain and the oppressed are further exploited, when men and women pine for each other against the natural and moral order. The Lord says, “ you are building an ark for me to save many souls in this age and time.” When I asked the Lord and myself, “ what is the Ark I am building?”, He pointed out that in undertaking to write about the standards and promises of God, day by day, verse by verse over the next thirty to forty years, He sees me as a kind of Noah. We are expected as our part of the covenant to be God –fearing and just in our generations and teaching others also to be so. The Lord gives each of us this wonderful pledge in these uncertain times to establish our covenant relationship not only with us but with our children after us. As people of the covenant, we need to treasure every word of our sacred agreement with God, every word of His pledge to us, running over and over in our minds and hearts every word in His promised spoken to us in past times as a lover would pore over every letter in her billet d’amour from her beloved. Indeed,” my Beloved is mine and I am His and His banner over me is love.” We are children of the promise born out of the pledge of our Father even before we knew Him. We are a lot like Isaac and like Isaac we should always be full of mirth, laughter and joy for in the absence of joy, we cannot celebrate our covenant relationship with the Lord. In the absence of hope, joy and laughter, we would be prisoners of the enemy of our souls, living like condemned prisoners on death row. But, thanks to the new covenant promise, we have been set free to enjoy our special relationship with our Redeemer God. Prateep V Philip

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