Friday, November 15, 2013


UV 925/10,000 Believe-Know-Do Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. John 13 v 17 The process of salvation is believe-know-do. Once we believe we study the scriptures and come to know of God and the remaining members of the Trinity: Jesus and the Holy Spirit. When we study the scriptures, we come to learn or know the truths of God, one by one, precept by precept, example by example. Once we know the truths or principles of God, we need to apply or do them. Noah did all that God commanded and therefore, he and all his family were saved in the great flood. Abraham did all that God commanded even as Moses did and they became Friends of God. When we do what we believe and know, we become the family of God, the citizens of heaven, priests and kings in the Kingdom of God. We become blessed or happy or lifted up in all areas of life. Jesus showed by example how to be a servant of God by washing His disciples’ feet. When we believe, know and do, we are building the Ark to save all of our family and people who are in our circle of influence. What we do is the fruit of our belief and knowledge. Hence, salvation has an internal aspect and an external aspect. It is manifested by our lifestyles and deeds done in faith and in obedience to the Word. When we believe, know and do, we are building our lives on Rock that lasts forever. Nothing we do is in vain. In the absence of belief and knowledge, as Solomon said, all that we do is a chasing of the wind and is in vain. Our faith is completed by our work. Our work and life is blessed by our faith. The tension between the mind and faith is that the mind works backwards and relies upon memories while faith works forwards and relies on vision, dreams and hope. Through our faith in Christ and His finished work, this conflict is resolved for we can look back and remember what He taught us by precept and example and look forward to His second coming and the visions, dreams and hope He inspires in each of us. The word “ now” in the uni-verse reflects the need for immediacy of our obedience in deeds here and now. We should not withhold a good that we can do now for later or our blessings too can be postponed. Prateep V Philip

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