Friday, February 14, 2014

The Mastery of Mystery

The Mastery of Mystery The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29 v 29 The depth of God’s wisdom, knowledge, judgments and ways cannot be fully plumbed by any man. The secrets of God are unsearchable and beyond our comprehension. But what He had kept secret from the foundation of the earth, that is for millions of years, He has revealed in and through the person and work of Jesus Christ. He has confided the secret of salvation in His Son and His Son reveals it to mankind. These secrets relating to this life and our salvation have been made as plain and clear as crystal though it still remains secret for those who choose not to believe His Word. The Lord has also revealed and continues to reveal some of His secrets through His servants, the prophets through the ages from Moses and Daniel up to prophets in the present day and age. Scripture says, “He does nothing without revealing it to His prophets.” Many secrets of science and technology He has hidden in nature and He reveals it to those who persist in seeking such discovery, knowledge and understanding. But there are certain secrets that are beyond the ken of human knowledge, understanding or even revelation. These are the areas of God’s sovereignty that He alone knows. For instance, we do not know the exact time or season when certain events prophesied will happen. Even Jesus did not know the hour of His return. He only gave us some pointers or signs indicating the likely time. Jesus though He spoke with parables, explained these parables to reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. By revealing these mysteries, He has given us entrance to a mastery of life. But what God has revealed in simple words, and not in enigmas or riddles or puzzles, in scripture is abundant and sufficient for us and our children and their children to know, understand, believe, obey and be blessed. God does not play a “ hide and seek” game with man. He has revealed who He is, what His nature is, His expectations and His commands for us to obey or follow, His terms for our salvation and blessing in this life and the life to come. Even today, He is pouring His spirit upon all flesh to reveal mysteries and given the gift of the word of wisdom and knowledge to enable people to interpret and explain the unknown, the spiritual, the secret, the invisible and the mysterious. We must tie these revealed truths as a tight fitting belt around us through the loops of reason, historical knowledge, fear of God, common sense, wisdom, scientific understanding and practical application in our daily lives. We must not attempt to peer through the loopholes of the belt trying to discern the things yet kept secret in the heavenly realm or be unduly curious and speculate over matters that do not belong to us or are not necessary for us to know. Prateep V Philip

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