Friday, June 27, 2014

The Secrets of the Lord

The Secrets of the Lord

Psa25:14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant

The secret of eternal life, the secret of well being, the secret of wisdom and knowledge, the secret of success, the secret of relationships are all known to the Lord. The Lord reveals these secrets to those who seek Him, know Him, love Him and understand Him. God makes Himself manifest to the believer and the seeker. He writes His covenant promises and commandments on the hearts of His beloved. The secrets of the world and of man are delusionary, deceptive and often lead us on the path of red herrings. The Lord Jesus explained all the mysteries of the inner life as well as of eternal life, of our life in this world as well as of eternal life. His disciples discerned,”With You are the words of eternal life. He has led us into a mastery of mystery. He has revealed the hidden manna or the wonderful truths hidden in the Word of God. He has revealed the hidden meaning of the parables Heused to reveal the secrets of human nature and the nature of God to His followers while hiding it from the rest of the world. The greatest secret is God Himself and the mysteries of His love and favour. Jesus revealed this secret of the Godhead that he who keeps His commandments will dwell with God and God will dwell with him and manifest Himself to him.

The spirit of man communes with the Spirit of God to discern the deep truths. A man who fears the Lord will be able to discern His will.He will also receive the strength, the means, the grace to do it. The Lord manifests His power and glory in and through the lives of people who trust Him.The secrets of wisdom and knowledge are hidden from the natural man. The secrets of the heavenly world also cannot be accessed by the natural man.

The spiritual man understands and judges all things but he cannot be judged by anyone as by faith in Christ, he is spared all judgement.The Lord enters into a covenant or sacred and intimate relationship with the believer in His beloved Son Jesus. He reveals all His secrets to us as we are not just His servants who do His bidding but we are His friends.The covenant is not only written in His Word but it is also written in the hearts and minds of the believers. A covenant is a sacred, inviolable relationship. All the promises of God are the provisions He has made for our relationship to succeed.It is meant to meet our every need in the flesh as well as in the spirit, both in this world and in the Kingdom of God, both here and now and in the life eternal.

Prateep V Philip

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