Sunday, June 15, 2014

UV 1120/10,000 Not One fails

Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

Isaiah 40 v 26

The Lord God has not created mankind and all things in order to fail but to succeed. Not one of the plans of the Lord fails. Not one of the people of God fails. He upholds us by His might, strength and power. We need to lift our eyes and focus on Him. We should not be blinded by the glory of the things He alone has created. Like the stars, He has created us to shine for Him in the universe not with rays of light but with days full of thoughts, words and deeds that glorify and please Him. If His intention for the inanimate stars is that not one fails, how much more is His intention that all people, the crown of His creation succeed, that no one fails.

Each of us is called to be a star for God. In order to be a star we got to start. We can start with our thoughts, then move on to our shining with our temperament, tongue, talent and with the optimum utilization of our time. This is a striking concept and phrase: “not one faileth.” Yet in the world right through the ages, there have been few who succeed at the expense of the vast majority. The reason is that people relied on their own limited thoughts, ideas, strength and talents. A tree that grows in shallow soil cannot bear much fruit and even if it produces fruit, it might not be sweet or useful.

In the book of Genesis, the Lord says that He created the infinite multitude of stars to rule over the night and to provide signs. The fixed position of the stars gave people journeying on land or traveling on the oceans and seas a sense of direction in the absence of modern sophisticated instruments. Similarly, the ethical positions or principles we adopt on the basis of the Word of God will enable us to find our sense of direction and to also leads others on the paths of righteousness, so that we do not clash with each others in our orbits. The mighty stars are also symbols of the infinite greatness, might, strength and power of God. Just as the Lord God has created enough space for each of these mighty stars to revolve without colliding with each other, He has created enough space for each of us to move, shine and excel without colliding with each other.

Ordinarily, we cannot approach God in His absolute holiness and omnipotence just as no spacecraft would ever be able to approach even the nearest star. But Christ Jesus gives us grace to approach God and draw from His inexhaustible strength, might and power. Grace that means divine favour and enablement is the bridge between our weakness and God’s strength. We need to use His infinite strength and power to overcome our weaknesses, to utilize opportunities and to overcome threats.

Prateep V Philip

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