Saturday, July 12, 2014

A City of Light

UV 1145/10,000 A City of Light

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

Matthew 5 v 14

It is the light and wisdom from the Word that makes us the light of the world. The world has no light of its own like the moon. Without the light of the Word, life would be short, nasty and brutish as Hobbes described it. But when the light of the Word shines from deep within us, we become a city set on an hill.

The Lord revealed in a time of prayer that we are a city of light or “ Philadelphia.” The Shekinah glory of the Lord is our light, that makes our faces radiate like the face of Moses when he communed with the Lord. We are like the eternal city that needs no sun or moon to provide light by night or day for the Lord God and the Lamb Himself, Jesus will be our lamp. There is no temple in this city for we ourselves, our bodies, minds and spirits are the temple. Our words and acts constitute the worship of the Lord. No one can hide our light. No one can stop anything creative, innovative or useful that we have started. We are a guide to those who are spiritually blind who do not know where they are coming from, where they are going, about what is right and wrong and about what they should do. We are a signboard to point them in the path of righteousness and a direction-finder to help them find the Lord. If we are the light, we should have no part in darkness. We should rejoice in the light, implying that we should rejoice in worshipping and fellowshipping with the Lord.

God described my spouse as the lamp, self as the oil and that the children are the wick. Indeed, we are called to be the wick which burns in the oil and not the wicked who try to put it out. As long as we are yielding to the Lord, we will yield the fruit of righteousness: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self control and wisdom. The fruit of the spirit are the fuel of the lamp. We should always visualise these fruit of the spirit in the form of our favourite and most delicious fruits: love as the most beautiful apples that we eat all the time, joy as the tastiest strawberries, peace as a luscious musk melon, patience as a passion fruit, kindness as a large papaya, goodness as grapes, faithfulness as oranges, humility as litchis, self control as butterfruit and wisdom as mangos. We can daily imagine eating these multi-colour, multi-taste and multi-purpose spiritual fruit, enjoying the experience. We will be supplied with the spiritual minerals and vitamins and nourishment we need to reflect the light of these qualities in our daily lives.

Prateep V Philip
Multi-coloured Grapes

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