Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cedars on the Mountain

UV 1263/10,000 Cedars on the Mountain
The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.
Isaiah 9 v 10

When I run on my own it ends in ruin. The bricks or all that comprises the different aspects of my life will fall down and things will lie in disarray. I will not be able to govern myself or be in charge of my own defences. I will be quickly and easily overrun by the enemy of my soul. But when I allow Jesus to be the CEO of my life, He re-builds it with better material that will endure all the troubles of my life. Many people wonder why that persons with faith tend to suffer more in life. It is because we are made of stronger stuff and meant to be tested with tougher tests. For hewn stones are any day a more lasting medium than bricks made by the hands of men. The book of Daniel speaks prophetically of Jesus as a rock that is not cut with human hands, that will grow into a mighty mountain and fill all nations. He is the keystone that holds the whole edifice of of our lives and our eternity in place. He is the cornerstone that bears the weight of the entire life that we build. He is the foundation stone on which we can build upward. There are other stones that we should contribute to building. We can build with precious stones or with cheap material. When we meditate on scripture verses, we are hewing stones to fit into the gaps in the wall of our lives.

The sycamore tree was the tree that Zacheus climbed to see Jesus for the first time in life. It is a short plant with low branches that a short man like Zacheus could climb. Zacheus was content with a view of Jesus. He had no intention of getting intimate with Jesus. Each of us tend to try to climb such sycamore trees in order to gain in our stature in life and attain success and happiness. We are content with getting a glimpse of Jesus. But the Lord asks us to dismount from these worldly pursuits and perches and to invite us directly into His heart as our very own God, gracious Lord and personal Saviour. He desires to make His home or residence in us and with us.

Once we invite the Lord to reside in and preside over our spirits, hearts and minds, He cuts down the sycamore trees –or all the low pedestals of our lives- and turns us into giant cedars. The cedar is the king of trees. It reaches up to the greatest height and the wood is extremely strong. It provided the choicest wood for making panels for the temple built by Solomon at Jerusalem. It grows generally on mountains. Its roots run deep. We will grow in stature- intellectually, spiritually, socially, emotionally and even physically. Our roots will run deep and drink of underground or invisible underground streams. We will sway only to the move of the Holy Spirit. We will be the cedars on the mountain of the Lord. Our lives and our work will be useful to both God and man.

Prateep V Philip

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