Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Concentric Circles of Peace

UV 1295/10,000 The Concentric Circles of Peace

For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.
Psalm 122 v 8

The concentric circles of peace begin with peace in each of us. That peace comes when God’s flag or banner of love is installed. The kingdom of God is ushered in. The first circle is peace with God through Christ, the center of all the circles. The next circle is peace with self that flows from the first circle. In this circle we are at peace with our past, present and future. We are at peace with regard to time beyond all tense- eternity. The third circle is peace with family or peace with spouse and peace with children, brothers and sisters, peace at home. It is followed closely by peace with one’s fellow believers: brothers and sisters in faith. Then comes the peace with significant others at workplace and in social circles. The fourth circle is peace with all others including strangers- the world at large. The fifth circle is peace with one’s known and unknown enemies- human, of course. The peace of the first circle overflows into the other concentric circles. Each circle reinforces the other. The uni-verse states that it is not a selfish peace desiring only the gratification of our own desires but it overflows like a cascade to intensely desire and pray for peace for all people and especially, our brothers and sisters in faith.

Scripture says that peace for one’s brethren or fellow believers is a sign and evidence of having passed from death to eternal life. By our bond of love, unity and peace with brethren in faith, we declare to the rest of the world that we belong to the Lord and that we are redeemed. We need to focus only on Jesus being the Centre of the Circles or COC and all the rest will fall in place. Concentrate on Jesus and all the concentric circles will be fine. He is the locus of our being. We get our eternal bearings from Him. It is the peace of the house of God for we become the very tabernacle of God. It is a growing peace for it is not static but dynamic and ever growing. It is a living peace and not the peace of the grave.
All these concentric circles of peace are marked by a peace that the world cannot give, take away or even understand. It is the peace of Jesus. Jesus is the Prince of Peace while satan, by contrast is the prince of strife. It is His prerogative to give peace to His followers. It is the peace that we cannot earn or purchase. It is the peace that is obtained by the blood of Jesus. It is the peace that passes human understanding. It is a peace that strengthens and endures every circumstance. It is a peace that unites. It is a peace that is deep and eternal. It is a peace that is holistic and comprehensive- it includes in it the shalom blessings of health, longevity, journey’s mercies, wisdom, forgiveness, security, success, prosperity, well being, joy, gladness and eternal life.

Prateep V Philip

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