Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Tower of Deliverance

UV 1414/10,000 The Tower of Deliverance

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Proverbs 18 v 10

The name of the Lord is a strong tower in different situations. The foundation of this tower is faith. Above the foundation of faith is love and hope. Our faith is expressed in terms of love and hope. The name Jehovah Rapha is the tower of our refuge when we face the threat of sickness and disease. When we fear sickness or even suffer its initial symptoms, we should recall that the Lord is our healer. The blood of Jesus is the Balm of Gilead. It gives us victory over sickness. Jesus is able to quicken even a dead body. He is the specialist of specialists. Every manner of disease can be healed by Him. He is a Saviour not only from sin and death but a Saviour from sickness. Our security is in the Lord. Our hope is in the Lord. In a recent earthquake a majestic heritage tower of many floors that had stood for decades crumbled to its foundation. Our tower of faith Jesus cannot be shaken. It is like a mighty rock. He is a rock of refuge and shelter. He is the rock of escape and deliverance. The Lord is our strength. He is our everlasting strength. Nothing can overcome us. Nothing can make us afraid or insecure. We trust in His ability to save us. Whatever be the size of the enemy or challenge or threat we face, when we stand on the tower of the Lord, it offsets the disadvantages and odds we face in terms of strength, resources, power and makes us more than just equal to it.

Our running towards the tower and running away from our threats happens at the same time. We should cling to the Lord as Jacob held on to the angel of the Lord till he blessed him. We should run away from sin, threats, doubts and fears as Joseph ran away from Potiphar’s adulterous wife. We should hide in the Lord, take cover in His promises. We should hide His Word in our heart. We hide in the covert of His wings- prayer and the Word. We should not misplace our sense of security or faith in the things of this world but in the Lord, His name and His promises to us. In our battles in our lives, we have an invisible enemy. It is difficult to fight against an invisible enemy. But the Lord, the Great I Am who manifest Himself as the very kind of deliverer we need at the moment of battle knows the odds, threats and powers against us. He fights the battle for us on our behalf as a mighty terrible and invincible warrior.
The name of the Lord is a tower of victory not only in illness but in all kinds of challenges that we confront in our lives. He is Jehovah Nissi. He guarantees victory and peace for us. We should not focus on the problems but on the Problem-solver. Just as David did not focus on the size of his enemy-Goliath but on the name of the Lord Jehovah whom He knew had delivered him in the past from the bear and the lion. Our faith is not blind but our past experiences of God’s grace and mercy are the foundation for today’s victories. We need to exalt His name in our thoughts, hearts and words. We need to give praise and honour where and to whom it is due- the Lord who is our tower. As a tower, He watches over us day and night. He is a cloud by day and a fire by night. He provides us shelter, a tabernacle of peace. He leads us through the darkness and keeps us warm.

Prateep V Philip

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