Monday, June 29, 2015


UV 1457/10,000 Gracious, Loving, Original Dimensions
But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

Job 23 v 10

The Lord’s knowledge of our ways is awesome. He knows every word spoken by every human being. He knows the motive behind every thought. He knows all our ways. He knows our emotions. He knows our heart’s desires. He knows our strengths and weaknesses. He knows our pain and passion. He knows the totality of our circumstances. He knows our background and what we have been through. He has set His eyes upon us and shaped us even before our mother or father ever saw us or knew us. He knows our future and where we are heading. Despite such complete knowledge of us, He cares deeply and loves us. He tests, trains, grooms, hones, perfects and purifies us. He does not ever give up on us. He gives us chance after chance. He coaches us. He comforts us. He watches over our coming and going, our sitting and getting up or even the innocuous or seemingly trivial movements of our lives.

He works on us as a goldsmith works on an ornament of great beauty. He applies the right degree of heat at the right time in our lives so that a certain detail or design of the ornament is perfected. He knows it is painful but He allows the pain for our eternal gain. He knows our potential. He knows the limits of our strength, patience and endurance. He searches us. He understands us. When we are broken or when we fall or feel defeated or sad, He restores us with a specific promise from His Word, a healing touch of the Specialist of Specialists. At the end of our trials, He knows we will come forth as burnished gold, finest ornament, a perfect design that will bring glory to His name.

Unlike passive gold that acquiesces and yields to all the efforts of the maker to mould it and make it a perfect ornament, we human beings tend to often question, resent and resist the painstaking efforts of our Maker to shape us. We like Job should know that whatever trial He allows us to go through, He is close at hand. Unlike the goldsmith, He steps in the fire with us. He will keep us in the fire long enough to purify us and not to destroy or melt us down completely. Instead of resisting and distancing ourselves from the Lord, if we yield we could well reduce the time we need to spend in the furnace. Unlike the trials His own Son Jesus went through on the cross, He does not ask of us to be crucified like Him. He only asks us to carry the cross or bear the suffering we go through in life with a positive and faithful attitude. We have the promise that we will emerge as finest gold-gold standing for Gracious, Original, Loving and Dimensions. Each of us has an unique testimony or story of our faith and life. Each of us is an original and not a copy or an imitation. We are irreplaceable in the sight of God. Dimensions implies in spirit, mind and body. These are the three dimensions of life. Each of these three dimensions have three dimensions for instance, mind consists of intellect, emotions and will.

Prateep V Philip

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