Sunday, August 16, 2015

Fencing for Health

UV 1505/10000 Fencing for Health
And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity.

Isaiah 33 v 24

We are inhabitants of Zion or the kingdom of God. God’s rule and His rules prevail in our lives. God hears our prayers and inhabits our praises. He removes our inhibitions or limitations. Health is a most precious gift or blessing of the Lord. We need to lay a fence around our health. The way to build a spiritual fencing around our lives is to dig deep and to plant such uni-verses in the ground of our faith. This will keep the predators and those that prey on people at bay and defeat their plans to kill, steal and destroy. When we believe that the Lord is our healer and our deliverer in our hearts and confess with our mouths our faith in His specific promises, He will heal and deliver. Round the clock we need to affirm in our hearts our faith in the promise of God to heal us and to deliver us. When we do this the fencing of His healing and protection is fixed in all directions around us.

Another translation of this uni-verse state: “No inhabitant of Zion will say, “ I am ill.” It implies that no believer in God and His word should confess negatively that he or she is sick. Instead, one should claim and proclaim health and healing, deliverance and victory all the time. The people that dwell within the frame of God’s word are forgiven their sins. The Word of God and the presence of God are our spiritual dwelling or residence. We live and move and exist inside the four corners of His spiritual tabernacle. Sighing and moaning or signs of defeat and depression will flee away from us.

When we say negative things, we are making the enemy of our souls rejoice and we are grieving the Holy Spirit. When we say negative things, it increases our doubt and weakens our faith and the faith of others. When we confess negatively, we are declaring our lack of faith in the character, power and presence of God in our lives. We are exposing ourselves to the fiery arrows of the enemy. Instead, we should stitch ourselves the spiritual equivalent of a bullet proof vest by constantly thinking, speaking and affirming the specific promises of the Lord assuring us of health, healing and victory. We should also constantly seek a cleansing or purification of our inner being by confessing our sins and seeking the Lord’s forgiveness. Unconfessed sins and hidden faults weaken the spiritual armour and makes us more vulnerable. When we confess our faith, we appropriate the four fold power of the Lord- the power in the Word, the power of the Spirit of God, the power of the blood of Jesus and the power of the name of Christ. Jesus is the specialist of specialists. He heals all our diseases and forgives all our sins. His word is the Balm of Gilead that cures us of all our illnesses.

Prateep V Philip

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