Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Five Stones of David

UV 1534/10000 The Five Stones of David
And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine
I Samuel 17 v 40

The enemy is formidable. His attack can be a frontal attack like that of the giant Goliath or a subtle and surreptitious attack of a pack of foxes. The battle is the Lord’s. He will give us victory. We only need to put our hand in the bag and draw five smooth stones. The bag is a metaphor for the Bible. The five smooth stones are a metaphor for the perfect promises of God that guarantee our victory. We too should choose five promise verses that will meet our need for provision, protection, promotion, peace and progress. The Lord had anointed the five fingers of David. He counselled him on the strategy as well as the weapon that he should use. David was not a novice with using the sling. He had defended his sheep in the pasture against predators like foxes and other wild beasts. David’s outstanding courage flowed from his faith in the God of Israel. He believed the testimony of his forefathers that Jehovah is invincible. He got his tongue and his thoughts to agree with his heart. He took quick decisions. David knew that Goliath was an easier target for his sling than these creatures for he was bigger. He aimed to hit Goliath with the very first stone lethally on his forehead. It left a dent on his thick skull. David swung the sling hard with all the strength at his command. The distance between David and certain death, defeat and humiliation was closed in by the walls of protection of the Name of God. The distance between the young David and certain success, victory and honour was quickly traversed by the speed of prayer and force of faith. Prayer is the sling on which we cast the arrows of God's promises from the sanctum sanctorum into the cerebrum cerebulum and the very heart of the challenge we are up against. Life becomes a great, thrilling and exciting adventure of discovering God's truths in the midst of our struggles and challenges.

We too need to aim accurately. We should choose a wise or smart strategy. We should act in the name of the Lord. We should use all the strength and resources at our command. We should have the confidence or faith that it is the Lord who gives us victory in all our battles. We should be familiar with the power and the use of specific promises from scripture. The brook from which David picked up the five smooth stones is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will bring to our minds the specific rhema verse we need to use in each situation. David did not shrink back in fear on hearing the threats and insults of Goliath. He advanced decreeing victory in the name of the Lord. The defeat and killing of Goliath jump started David’s career and marked him out as heir to the throne of Israel.

David had picked up five stones as he knew that Goliath had four brothers who might attack him once he slayed Goliath. Similarly, we need to be proactive and think ahead. We need to equip ourselves sufficiently. But ultimately we should know that victory comes from the Lord. We should never be overawed by the size of the enemy or the odds we face in our battles as long as the Lord is with us. He is with us as not just a good shepherd but a competent shepherd or leader. David after knocking down Goliath did use the latter’s sword to decapitate him. Similarly, our natural resources should be a secondary source of strength, a back up and supplement to our primary source of strength- our faith in the Lord.

Prateep V Philip

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