Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Open Door

UV 1571/10000 The Open Door
I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name
Revelation 3 v 8
The quality of the Lord is that He is faithful and just. He shows no partiality to anyone but He sees our hearts, knows our words and our actions. His Word is tested and tried in the circumstances of our lives. If we are faithful to His Word in the exercise of our faith and the use of our time and talents, He is pleased and will certainly reward us. He sets an open door or an opportunity for our growth and blessing before us. Nothing in this world can close this door of opportunity.

The strength or size of our faith may be as small and insignificant as a mustard seed but as long as it is a living seed of hope that grows, the Lord will increase us from strength to strength. We should acknowledge the name of the Lord at every stage of our lives in every way. When Moses asked the Lord who appeared to him in the burning bush, “ Who are You?
What is Your name?” The Lord said, “ I am who I am.” He manifests Himself through different ways in our lives. There are some interlocking concepts in this expression used by God to define Himself: Person, Presence, Identity of Power, Integrity of Character, Manifestation of Grace. God is a person as much as each of us is. He is present everywhere. He is Almighty. He is righteous. He is loving and gracious. When we affirm the image of God in us, we manifest Him and do not deny Him. Inasmuch as we detract from any of these aspects of God in us, we deny Him.

The open door refers to the door of blessing. We become channels carrying blessings to people for persons need blessing of the Person of Persons as much as plants need water from the irrigation channels. It also refers to the door of power: we can experience and manifest supernatural signs and wonders or miracles in our lives. The door of wisdom, understanding and knowledge is opened to our minds to comprehend the secrets that are hidden in the Word and the world. The Lord gives us the key of David- the key to being a king and a priest at the same time. The open door also refers to opportunities to serve and minister to the deeper needs of others. The open door that no man can close implies that what God has intended for us in all these aspects of life, no man can seize or cease to happen. Each uni-verse is virtually a key to an open door. When we meditate on it, believe it, claim it and act on it, a door opens that no man can shut.
Prateep V Philip

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