Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

UV 1603/10000 The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
Ephesians 1 v 17
A true leader needs to have the spirit of wisdom and revelation. But most human beings are purblind and have no insight into where they came from, where they are and where they are heading. Jesus alone among all humans born on this planet had certain knowledge of who He is, where He came from and where He was going. His birth and death were not accidents but a planned event of which He had full foreknowledge and gave full consent. Therefore, when God opens the eye of our understanding and opens our heart by saying, “Ephphatha” or “Open” we receive Jesus by faith. As we grow in our knowledge of Jesus and through Him and His word, our knowledge of the glory of the Father, the spirit of wisdom and revelation is bestowed upon us.

Knowledge is the leader’s edge. It gives him the access to wisdom or the applicable aspect of knowledge. It gives us foreknowledge or revelation of things or events that are yet to happen. Joseph was bestowed with this spirit of wisdom and revelation. Daniel too was given this spirit of wisdom and revelation. We who believe in Jesus have access to the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Jesus said to His disciples, “ I am leaving but I am leaving you the Holy Spirit.” Wisdom and revelation are great gifts of the Spirit of God. In order to access and use these gifts, we need to tune ourselves to listen to the Spirit and act on His promptings. Joseph listened and was able to give Pharaoh a correct interpretation of his dream. Further, he gave him a clear plan of action for fourteen years that protected Egypt in a time of great famine in many lands. When a revelation is given of something about to happen, it is not for us to sit still but to take some steps since we know ahead of time the events to unfold. The Spirit is the source of spiritual intelligence. We derive actionable intuition from the Spirit that we need to factor into our plans and decisions.

We need to increase in our knowledge of the love of the Father. As our relationship with the Father is strengthened and deepened, He will pour the spirit of wisdom and revelation upon us. The world changes not by revolution but by revelation, implying that the mysteries, spiritual insights and secrets revealed to us will begin to transform us from within. The disciples who bungled in so many ways while following Jesus after receiving the spirit of wisdom and revelation were transformed into apostles who never looked back from that time.

Prateep V Philip

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