Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wisdom Trumps Folly

UV 1701/10000 Wisdom Trumps Folly
Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.
Proverbs 10 v 14

Often our own words ensnare us. We are caught in the trap that we have ourselves laid. Instead, if we store the knowledge of the Word in our hearts and minds, we preserve our lives and that of others. The lips of priests are meant for the salvation of others. The words we speak from our knowledge of scripture and our experience of its truths in life will lead many to salvation or eternal life. Destructive words should be far away from our minds and lips. Wise words are forged out of a heart of wisdom that has been touched by the Lord and blessed by meditating day and night on His Word.

What we call with our mouths will come to us like an obedient dog. Hence, we should be careful about what we call to ourselves. The Lord created the universe with His Word. Hence, infinite power is invested in His mouth and words. A portion of that power is invested in our own words since we are created in His image. Our words that limit us or expand our potential becomes self fulfilling prophecies in real life. In the current Presidential election campaign, the words used by the Republican candidate Donald Trump are an instance of the above uni-verse: “the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.” He has emerged as the most divisive of candidates for Presidency in US and perhaps western history, bordering on neo-nazism and racism, spewing hate and venom against other nationalities and religions. His speech reeks of brashness and arrogance. No wonder the Republican party itself is trying to distance itself from his avowed policies. Rioting and clashes with protestors have broken out at his campaign meetings. The hactivists group Anonymous has attacked his website, provoked by his provocative speech. The mouth of the foolish can bring even a nation and the world at large to destruction.

We need to send our words through seven filters to distil and purify it of any destructive content: First, we need to ask if the words we are using regularly – are they destructive and negative or creative and constructive for our own selves? Second, are they destructive or harmful to others or are they helpful and an encouragement to others to do their best?
Third, are they wholesome and truthful or are they half truths and deceptive?
Fourth, are our words timely or spoken too soon or too late?
Fifth, are our words well thought out and chosen or are we careless and brash in its use? Sixth, are our words the right length- neither too long nor too short but just right for the context and the purpose. Seventh, are our words reflecting love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, humility and self control. The fruit of the spirit grows out of our mouths. These are the streams of life giving water that flow out of our belly to satisfy the thirsty and glorify the Lord.

Prateep V Philip

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