Saturday, August 20, 2016

The House of Joy

UV 2046/10000 The House of Joy
He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.
Song of Solomon 2 v 4

Dwelling in the house of the Lord is living in joy forever. The Lord has brought us, implying that not only does He invite us into His house but He provides the transport to carry us. His body became the vehicle as it hung on the cross. His house is a house of joy and not of sorrow. His house is a house of love and not of misery. His house is a house of celebration and not of depression. His house is a house of peace. His house is a house of victory and not of defeat. His house is a house of provision. His house is a house of healing and deliverance. It is the house of His salvation. The foundation of this house is faith in Jesus and His words. The walls are the promises of the Lord. The commandments are the doors and the precepts are the windows to get a glimpse of His joy, love, peace and victory.

His banner over us is not one of power and fear but of love. It is a protective banner. It is a mark of ownership and lordship over our lives. It is a sign of ultimate authority or sovereignty. He gives us every blessing and meets our every need. He bans curses from our homes and families. He makes His love for us visible to all people around us as a banner flying over a house would be seen by all passing by. We dwell in the house of the Lord in fellowship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We dwell with them forever. The Triune God also dwells with us forever. The banner of love is a symbol of strength for the joy of the Lord is our strength. It implies that the things that give joy to the Lord brings us strength and celebration-worthy victory. These things are righteousness, true love, mercy, faith, faithfulness, goodness, kindness, humility, order, sacrifice, praise and worship in the beauty of holiness. When we delight in doing these things, our strength is renewed and redoubled.

If we truly believe and accept this uni-verse as a personal promise to us, we should always be joyful in every circumstance and situation. We should enjoy the love and intimate relationship with the Lord. The Lord will turn every problem into a remarkable solution, every challenge into a wonderful testimony as we rejoice with Him. The dishes served at the Lord’s banquet are the various promises in the Word. We should rejoice as we feed on these. These verses will strengthen our inner being, nourish even our bodies and minds. The use of the words “banqueting house” is significant as it indicates that the celebration is continuous and not either once or once in a way. Every day we sup with the Lord as delight in His Word and as we enjoy His fellowship. The Lord also loves to sing and dance with us and over us as He celebrates our every little step of progress, every victory, every healing, every deliverance, every act and word of faith and testimony.

Prateep V Philip

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