Thursday, February 23, 2017


UV 2208/10000 W

Behold, God is mighty, and despiseth not any: he is mighty in strength and WISDOM.
Job 36 v 5

W is a letter that combines two V’s – victory in the spiritual realm and victory in the physical world, victory in the heavenly realm and victory on Earth. When birds fly they fly as a flock in a W formation. There will always be one bird a little ahead of the others in the shape of a V or a double V. Likewise, the Lord flies ahead of us as our Minister, our Father, our Mother, Our Provider, Our Healer, our Leader, Our Bread Winner leading His flock right through our lives. The Lord gives us the first ‘W’- wisdom on account of the fear of God or the faith we repose in Him. The Lord gives us wisdom to seek Him. When we seek Him we find both wisdom and wealth. Jesus is the wisdom of God. When we find Jesus, we are set right with God.

The second ‘W’ is water. The Lord makes us the water for people in the desert or in the crisis or desperate situations of life. They join us in worship of the Lord- the third ‘W’. The Lord becomes the “ Wall” for our protection- the fourth W. He preserves us from the reach of the weapons of our adversaries, the fiery darts of the enemy of our souls. The Lord enables us to turn from darkness to the peaceful and pure or “White”- the fifth W. Our WHOLE lives are in the Lord- the sixth W. The seventh W is “while”- while people are falling down, the Lord uses us as a support to them. The manger leader or manger acts as the support for the young in faith even as concrete hardens over 21 days when supported by a pole holding up a base to hold up the freshly laid concrete till it is hardened and dry.

The eighth W is that we are “ Well Wishers” of Jesus and therefore, the joy of the Lord is our strength. We will not do that which does not please the Lord. He causes us to “Win”- the ninth W we experience in our lives by His grace, mercy and power. Like Elijah defeated Ahab the evil king, the Lord will enable to defeat the many Ahabs in our lives. The tenth W is we are His wipers to wipe the tears of others. We are to be like Boaz who wiped the tears of the hapless Ruth. Our lips will bring the Lord near to those who hear us. The eleventh W is that we are “Word Winners” and Word Builders. The Word provides us the material to build the house of the Lord. The twelfth W is that we are the wine from the vineyard of the Lord. The thirteenth W is that we are the watchtower and the watcher in the vineyard of the Lord. We are to watch and pray round the clock, 24 x 7 according to the situations and circumstances, the needs and challenges. The fourteenth W is “ Well”. We are called to do everything well. The fifteenth W is worthy – we will be worthy to receive a reward from the Lord, the wages He has intended for our work for Him. The manger leader or manager is a worthy worker. The Lord gives His seal and stamp of approval to the work of the faithful. The final W is Wonders – the Lord will do great and wonderful things in our lives.

Prateep V Philip

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