Saturday, May 13, 2017

Verbal Integrity

UV 2277/10000 Verbal Integrity
But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
Colossians 3 v 8

Anger is distinguished from wrath only in terms of degree. Both stem from a lack of self control which is a fruit of the Spirit indwelling in us. When we display anger or allow wrath to take control of our selves, we are both defiling our whole being and blaspheming the glorious name of Christ. We are not to harbour feelings of bitterness and malice in our hearts. When our hearts are full of such bitterness, it flows out of our mouths as anger and wrath. To express anger, one uses foul words or expressions. Such corrupt communication does not do our reputation or our testimony any good as witnesses of Jesus.

Our mouths are expected to be like a sweet spring out of which flow the words of living water that bring hope, meaning, grace, love and strength to our listeners. It is not a poison spring that gives vent to our frustrations, our disappointment, our rage, our passion. We are to allow our spirits and minds to be ruled by the Holy Spirit and not allow any part of our being like our minds or our tongues to be taken advantage of by the enemy of our souls. Anger and wrath are like temporary insanity or madness. It harms our relationships and mars our judgement. We will only have reason to regret having spoken harsh words in anger or wrath. We are to pour water on the flames of strife and not kindle it by our careless words.

The uni-verse exhorts us to put it off like one would a heavy burden or throw it off as one would dirty clothes that would stain our being. We need to practice the integrity of our mouths- to use it to build faith, to encourage, to give wise counsel, to bless others, to minister grace of God to others. If we also use it to give vent to anger, wrath, unforgiveness, rudeness, vulgarity, then we become double tongued or forked like the serpent’s tongue. We are administrators of grace to bring others in touch with the love and mercy of the Lord. Our tempers and tongues as well as our heart attitudes should be a help, a facilitator and not be a hindrance in our task as administrators of grace.

Prateep V Philip

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