Saturday, June 17, 2017

Attitude of Love Matrix Meter(c)

UV 2296/10000 The Love or Attitude Matrix Meter
But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
Ephesians 4 v 15
The uni-verse gives the golden rule of speech: to speak the truth in a spirit or with an attitude of love. We should share and expound scripture or the word with a sense of commitment to the listener, to build up his or her faith, hope and strength. In order to do that we need to always ask ourselves and discern in the spirit the real and deep needs of the listeners. Our words should benefit or encourage the listeners so that we as well as they grow degree by degree, day by day to the very stature of Christ.

Christ is our living leader and redeemer. We need to focus on imitating His character and actions in our lives. We need to imitate His manner of speaking. We need to imitate the decision making process He adopted to take informed decisions. We need to grow little by little in all aspects of our lives. Our lives should be freed from grudges, resentment and bitterness which could interfere with our spiritual effectiveness. We should be prone to help others and not harm. We need to subject our tongues to the control and leading of the Holy Spirit.
For both love and growth, we need the I Corinthians Chapter 13 love checklist to see if we are truly loving and surely growing. We can chalk out an attitude matrix or pattern to conform to by drawing a vertical line down a sheet of paper. On the right we need to right the positive love parameters that we should follow and on the left of the line the negatives we should avoid like not keeping a record of wrongs. Every day, at the end of the day, we should give ourselves a score based on the extent to which we followed the positive parameters and avoided the negatives. As we read, study and understand scripture we can add more positive parameters of speech, attitude and behaviour and more negatives to avoid. We can measure our growth in all things to the headship of Christ by checking ourselves against this attitude matrix meter. Apart from avoiding bitterness and fleeing from evil, we need to eliminate jealousy and pride in our lives. Speaking in anger or with abusive and harsh tone and language does not add up to the glory of the Lord. The attitude matrix meter would look something like this:
Negatives to avoid or flee from Positives to follow, to do:

Not angry Gentle

Not vengeful Patient
Not bitter or keeping a record of Kind
Does not boast Hopeful
Not rude Faithful

Not delight in evil Forgiving
Always protects, nurtures,
Perseveres in love

NB: One can improvise on this checklist, giving oneself either one mark or ten marks for each parameter complied with on the positive as well as the negative sides.
Prateep V Philip

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